Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy new years!

HEY GUYS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S 2015! Where does the time go?!
Lip balm of the month: Burt's Bees
Ughhhh Achardia is never on.
If you were wondering, Ashla isn't my real name. It's just my blog name.
I might say my actual name one day but probably not.
Make-up product of 2014: LIP BALMMMMM!
I have pomegranate and vanilla bean in Burt's bees. THEY WORK SO WELL!
I'm thinking of changing my name to Violet though...
I hoped you had a good 2014! It wasn't the best for me but I'm hoping to start fresh in 2015.
Luv youuu!


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