Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Okay well.
Sorry there's been no posts.
It's Ashla here.
Lip balm of February: Lip smackers
Lip balm of March: EOS
So I got lip smackers somewhere in February. They're really good.
I have EOS limited edition passionfruit and watermelon.
So happy.


Monday, January 12, 2015


It was my friend's birthday 2 days ago.
She likes lip balm too!
Another girl's birthday is today!
I love chicken.
I've been waking up early now...
I need to stay up until 12 am tonight
Anyways I'ma ask my friend if she wants to join this blog and make posts.
Oh, the nivea lip balm is super good. So is the eos. My lips are now amazing.
But still, I love baby lips. I have quenched and since it has no tint or taste I put it on with every lip balm. It works so well.


Monday, January 5, 2015

Alright guys

Hey guys! It's Ashla.
I got Nivea lip balm!
Vanilla and Macadamia Lip Butter
I also got EOS Strawberry Sorbet and Sweet Mint since I had to throw my others away. (They expired)



Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy new years!

HEY GUYS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S 2015! Where does the time go?!
Lip balm of the month: Burt's Bees
Ughhhh Achardia is never on.
If you were wondering, Ashla isn't my real name. It's just my blog name.
I might say my actual name one day but probably not.
Make-up product of 2014: LIP BALMMMMM!
I have pomegranate and vanilla bean in Burt's bees. THEY WORK SO WELL!
I'm thinking of changing my name to Violet though...
I hoped you had a good 2014! It wasn't the best for me but I'm hoping to start fresh in 2015.
Luv youuu!
